Green Earth Brochure


For my graphic design senior thesis project, I designed a print publication for a nonprofit organization called "Green Earth." The project aimed to create a visually appealing and informative brochure that would help the organization in its fundraising and awareness-raising efforts.

Type of Publication

The publication I designed was a tri-fold brochure that could be distributed at events, mailed out to potential donors, or left in strategic locations to reach a wider audience. The brochure had six panels, with three panels on each side, and included information about the organization's mission, programs, and impact, as well as ways to donate or get involved.

Design Process

To start the design process, I researched similar nonprofit publications and identified the key elements that were necessary to create an effective brochure. I then worked closely with the Green Earth team to understand their brand identity and messaging, and to incorporate their feedback into the design.

I wanted the brochure to have a clean and modern look that would appeal to a wide range of audiences. To achieve this, I used a muted color palette inspired by nature and incorporated high-quality photos of the organization's projects and events. I also included simple infographics and charts to help illustrate the impact of Green Earth's work.

One of the challenges of the project was finding a balance between providing enough information to be informative while keeping the design visually appealing and easy to read. To solve this, I used clear headings and subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs. I also made sure to use a legible font and appropriate font sizes throughout the brochure.


The final brochure was a success and met the objectives set out at the beginning of the project. Green Earth was very pleased with the design, and it was well received by their donors and supporters. The publication helped to raise awareness about the organization's work and mission, and it also helped to increase donations and volunteer participation.


Designing a print publication for a nonprofit organization was a challenging and rewarding experience. It allowed me to use my design skills to contribute to a meaningful cause and make a positive impact. The project also helped me to develop my design process, communication skills, and project management skills.